Tintin cast! Billions of blue blistering barnacles!

Steven Spielberg and gang have announced the leads for The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn, the first of a planned trilogy of 3-D motion-capture pics based on the beloved Herge comics.
Tintin, boy reporter and sporter of slick mini-Mohawked blond locks, will be played by Jamie Bell, of Billy Elliot fame (and of Mister Foe no-fame-whatsoever, though this dark, twisted little Scottish indie deserves to be seen). And 007 himself, Daniel Craig, will play fabled pirate of yore, Red Rackham. Bell and Craig can be found together right now in the Holocaust drama, Defiance.
Peter Jackson is in line to direct the second Tintin installment. Jackson's LOTR cast mate, Andy Serkis, is reportedly set as Tintin's gruff, boozing best friend, Captain Haddock.
To keep track of all the latest Tintin developments -- film and otherwise -- click on the official Herge site.
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